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Showing posts from May, 2008

Being An Engineer

Inspired by a writing by a friend of mine Unggul , i was proud to have a chance presenting my profession. RETIRED ENGINEER There was an engineer who had an exceptional gift for fixing all things mechanical. After serving his company loyally for over 30 years, he happily retired. Several years later the company contacted him regarding a seemingly impossible problem they were having with one of their multi-million dollar machines.  They had tried everything and everyone else to get the machine fixed, but to no avail. In desperation, they called on the retired engineer who had solved so many of their problems in the past. The engineer reluctantly took the challenge. He spent a day studying the huge machine. At the end of the day, he marked a small "x" in chalk on a particular component of the machine and proudly stated, "This is where your problem is" . The part was replaced and the machine worked perfectly again. The company received a bill for $50,000 from the en...

Cirebon Berintan

Set aside a glamorous and fast pace life in Jakarta, suddenly i was in the middle of a group on a train headed for Cirebon to spend a day weekend there. It was a cheap journey but the experience i got was expensive. 3 hours trip from Gambir train station to Cirebon was not so long, right at 9am we arrived on the first place as scheduled, breakfast near seaport. We had nasi jamblang on menu, which was boiled rice served on jamblang leaves and choices of javanese cuisines to accompany. It had no particular taste compare to other javanese cuisine, only the unique serving which made it special. After having breakfast, you could enjoy the views surround or try to climb a lighthouse to see the port from above. By the time, i felt the weather gradually got hotter. Yes it is a typical atmosphere for a place along the north coast of Java island. Cirebon is one big town in West Java province of Indonesia, located in northern coast of Java Island close to the border between West and Central Java...

Anakku Masuk TK!

Anakku masuk TK! itu kata emak gw pas gw masuk sekolah pertama kali. Inget banget kejadiannya waktu itu seperti biasa ikut kebangun dan nungguin emak gw sibuk dengan urusan pagi harinya persiapan mo ngantor. Karena lapar dan diluar ada seorang bapak penjaja kue bolang-baling** , gw dengan akal seorang bocah umur 4 tahunan memberanikan diri minta dibelikan kue itu sebagai sarapan... Seperti yang sudah gw duga emak gw menolak dengan halus, tapi kali ini jawabannya lain gw malah disuruh mandi dan bilang duit jajannya buat sekolah hari itu. Samar-samar gw inget seorang pembantu datang dan narik tangan gw untuk mandi. Gw mandi dengan pikiran masih bingung.. "kok malah sekolah?".. Jujur gw gak kepikiran sekolah bakal menakutkan atau menyita waktu main gw, gw sih biasa aja. tapi yg gw pikirin saat itu kenapa kue bolang baling harus diganti dengan sekolah? Sekolah gw adalah "TK Kuncup Harapan" yang notabene adalah punya tetangga gw sendiri dan letaknya pun cuman berjarak...

Belah Duren Yuk... Aaaahhhhh.....

Siapa yang gak pengen belah duren kalo yg jual kaya gini? Makan siang dengerin dangdut koplo sambil belah durennya dik Julia Perez..... **jadi mrinding gw** Julia Perez - Belah Duren Makan duren dimalam hari Paling enak dengan kekasih Dibelah bang dibelah Enak bang silahkan dibelah Reff: Jangan lupa mengunci pintu Nanti ada orang yang tau Pelan-pelan dibelah Enak bang silahkan dibelah Semua orang pasti suka belah duren Apalagi malam pengantin Sampai pagi pun yo wis ben Yang satu ini durennya luar biasa Bisa bikin bang ga tahan Sampai-sampai ketagihan Kalo abang suka tinggal belah saja Kalo abang mau tinggal bilang saja Back to Reff: Makan duren dimalam hari Paling enak dengan kekasih Dibelah bang dibelah Enak bang silahkan dibelah suara gak perlu oke yang penting durennyaaaaaaaa.......... **ngibing lagi aaahhhhh**


Tipis is a kind of word in Bahasa which means thin or slight. But some use this word as a slank or idiomatic expression to tease other who doesn't grant his / her friend's wish and usually just like a magic spell, it works. It is to define that someone is less in solidarity to a friendship. However, it is emphasized the usage of the expression is just to tease not to persuade him / her to follow our will, one another knows it is just only a teaser and no further expectation. Years ago it was powerful when saying the word to someone especially when others endorsed it. He / she who have been spelled will think twice and willingly change his / her decision or at least felt uncomfort. Thesedays, the magic spell seems useless. Perhaps it' s because people has changed. What would you do when your magic spell did not work where it usually did? And in your own perception, what is tipis ?

Momok Berwujud UAN

Bukan rahasia lagi kalo tiap tahun pemerintah suka gonta ganti peraturan seputar kurikulum buat SD s/d SMA apalagi mekanisme UAN atau ujian akhir nasional. Contohnya gw, gw adalah angkatan yang pertama kali lulus pake NEM pas SD dulu, trus pas SMP adalah angkatan pertama uji coba untuk ujian menggunakan sistem komputerisasi. Bayangin aja tuh udah susah ngerjain soal masih harus repot2 ngitemin jawaban pake 2B yang konon ndak boleh belepotan krn kalo ndak rapi bisa ndak kebaca komputernya. (positifnya boleh ngeles kalo nilainya jelek tinggal bilang jawabannya ndak kebaca ma komputer hehehehhhhh...) Kali ini sesuai peraturan mendiknas no 39 / 2007 mekanisme UAN dirubah lagi. Standar nilai kelulusan dinaikin jadi rata2 tidak boleh kurang dari 5,25, dan untuk SMP yang tadinya mata pelajaran yang diujikan cuman 3 sekarang jadi 4 dengan IPA sebagai mapel tambahan. Kenapa pemerintah suka gonta ganti aturan? apakah karena kurikulum kita yang masih labil atau mutu pendidikan yang diragukan? Ka...