Tipis is a kind of word in Bahasa which means thin or slight. But some use this word as a slank or idiomatic expression to tease other who doesn't grant his / her friend's wish and usually just like a magic spell, it works. It is to define that someone is less in solidarity to a friendship. However, it is emphasized the usage of the expression is just to tease not to persuade him / her to follow our will, one another knows it is just only a teaser and no further expectation.
Years ago it was powerful when saying the word to someone especially when others endorsed it. He / she who have been spelled will think twice and willingly change his / her decision or at least felt uncomfort.
Thesedays, the magic spell seems useless. Perhaps it' s because people has changed. What would you do when your magic spell did not work where it usually did? And in your own perception, what is tipis?
needs implant kis? :D
ReplyDelete*...lg sibuk buka2 kamus jowo-londo...*
kalo menurut gw and temen-temen, tipis is thin, skinny, or flat chest
ReplyDelete*nyebul om Kiss yang tipis*
ReplyDeletetipis buat gw itu sebutan buat orang yang gak punya nyali
ReplyDeletehave you nyali!!!!
kaya om nyong pemberani aja,,,,kemarin ada anjing malah jongkok pura pura ambil batu...halah ;p
ReplyDeletetipis is the : mental tempe, pengecut, gak gentle atau sontoloya
ReplyDeletewhat is the maksud "sontoloyo"
coba ndul terjemahin ke belanda
ReplyDeleteituu udah om nyong!!!
Tipis means tipi in plural... *tipinya lebih dari 1*
ReplyDeleteTipis means rich people, have more than 1 tipi at home
karena makin tua kiss.. makin gak peduli diomongin apapun juga..
ReplyDeleteatau karena udah tau.. udah dibilang tipis.. trus jalanin.. so what?
tipis itu kan ngefek kalo pas masih abg.. ato remaja..
temen2 gue masih ngefek kok kalo dibilang tipis.. *berasa muda*
tipis: sisa duit kembalian yang dikasihin ke pelayan kalo abis makan di restoran..
ReplyDeletehihihihhi ... ini baru keren .... saya mau tipis dong (baca: tipinya banyak)
ReplyDeletetoss darin
lah tipis bukanya kebelet buang air kecil
ReplyDeletewhat is the maksut mong
tipis is sifat yang miris dan gak asik
ReplyDelete****halahhhhhhh peace yo
tipis loe Kisssssssssss...................
ReplyDeletemasih kan?
So what's the meaaning of TEBEL ??
ReplyDeletetipis adalah kalo seseorang gak mau ikutan diajak nongkrong .. tipis lu.. tipissssss.., bener kan ?
ReplyDeletehuahahaha kayanya ini yg paling bener
ReplyDeletedarin hebat... *keprok2*
tipis? ya ndak tebelllll lah :P
ReplyDeleteserius pan? apalagi yg mo diimplant elu mah dah tebel semua!
ReplyDeletekayanya perlu kursus sama chincha lowra nih....
ReplyDeletegw kok malah keinget temen gw ya....
ReplyDeletehave you?
ReplyDeletethe magic seems useless cos he/her already has sumthin which able to give you back a comfort thing in next session :p
ReplyDeletejongkok itu karena dia mo kencing gun
ReplyDeletehahahahahahhhhh dagelan pagi ini!
ReplyDeleteyou got the point din!
ReplyDeletehahahahahhhh mungkin krn gw msh abege kali ki makanya masih pake kata "tipissssssssssssss"
ReplyDeletenamanya juga member 80an hahaha
berarti PIPIS adalah irvan dalam bentuk jamak dong dab?
ReplyDeletebukannya lu dah punya tipis tit?
ReplyDelete**sambil ngeliatin Sony Bravia LCD Flat 62" yg gw pake bwt alas main catur**
definisi tipis lu banyak banget kang... pilih satu saja yg sesuai dgn hati nurani anda.
ReplyDeletenah ni dia ada definisi yg baru lagi... ayo yg lain silakan kasih penggunaan kata tipis bagi anda....
ReplyDeletehahahahahahhhh masih banget mal... kmrn ntu yg di menteng ada yg gw gituin tp gw gak digubris hahahahahhahh
ReplyDeletepas ujyan mana becyek gak ada ojyek... chincha tebeeeeeeellllll banget deh ....
ReplyDelete**another crispy story**
lu juga tipis vie... tipis yg lain maksudnya...
ReplyDeletedarin mah banyak ide nya
ReplyDeletemasa sih?
ReplyDeleteshayahh thidaks mengerthiy bahasya inggriysh..
ReplyDeletemakanya belajar may... kesian amat lu dari smp diajarin basa inggris ndak ngerti juga... hahahahahhhh
ReplyDeletemasa Kis?
ReplyDeletelah bukan rata ???
ReplyDeletesaking tipisnya sampe rata.... **kalem**
ReplyDeletekizzz...mau new blowfish lagi dwooong...
ReplyDeletehabis learning english may? hahahhahahhhhhhhh
ReplyDeletegak juga..itu kopipes kog ... kwkkwkwkkwkwk
ReplyDeletejadi ingat ma lagu jadul taon 80an.. kumis tipis hiasan.. wajah tampan rupawan.. semua yg ada padamuuuuu...*lirik yg tipis*
ReplyDeletelu nyindir Nabil ya Kizz?
[Nabil's style]
No Comment ah...
ReplyDeleteelvi kumisnya tipissssssss..........
ReplyDeletehahahahahhhhh gak nyindir sapa2 don....
ReplyDeleteni dia angkatan yg tipis (kurus) juga!
ReplyDeleteKizz, kaya'nya ini presepsi yang smart.... secara kamu nulisnya in English...
ReplyDelete"Tipis means tipi in plural... *tipinya lebih dari 1*
Tipis means rich people, have more than 1 tipi at home"
hahahahahahhahhhh besok kata tipis sudah masuk di kamus oxford inggris - inggris gara2 postingan ini
ReplyDeletelahhh yooo....
ReplyDeletekok english maneeehhh..
Capeee neh baca nya... seharian tadi di kantor aku kerjaannya nuliss dalam bahasa inggris
Tipis means huemmm... yang pasti gak tebel kan??
hmm jd gue yah? gue kurang tunggi built tipis
ReplyDeletebetul win... lo makin pinter....!
ReplyDeletetolong dieja bil... chincha cidak cahu kamu ngomong aphaaa.....