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Showing posts from 2006

Pemutaran Perdana hantu Bangku Kosong, PH 14 November 2006

Special thanks to Daniel Tito sang penulis naskah yg bersedia mengundang kami pada launching perdana film hantu Bangku Kosong di planet hollywood kemarin malam. Acara dihadiri oleh beberapa artis pendukung seperti Bella Esperance, VJ Cathy, Zhi F dan lain lain. Tampak beberapa artis juga meramaikan acara ini antara lain Aji Pangestu, Julie Estelle, Hemalia Putri, Henidar Amroe, A Rafiq, Saskia Meka dan masih banyak lagi. Film yg di produseri oleh Chan Parwes dari rumah produksi Starvision ini lumayan enak ditonton. Keinginan sang sutradara Helfi Ch Kardit dan penulis naskah untuk menciptakan tidak hanya sekedar horor tapi juga ketegangan yang lain dari biasanya sedikit terpenuhi oleh jalan cerita yg berbobot. Meskipun begitu editting film saya rasa kurang mendukung jalan cerita, dengan adanya permainan/penyusunan plot yg amburadul dan mengganggu. Selain itu ada beberapa bagian yg terasa sangat dipaksakan seperti saat sang ibu mengejar hantu clara hingga sang ibu tewas tertabrak ambulan...

This Morning 17 October 2006

07.00 am Soekarno Hatta - Jakarta International Airport my flight would be in two and a half hour searching for a hotspot area open this MP and browse for another 80's songs... but what next?   the connection is a real suck! what a fakmadafaka!! !^%*!&^#(*!&()&)(&*&^#!$&   cengkareng, 17 October 2006

Jangan Kau jatuhkan sanksi Mu...

masyaallah... begitu mudahnya Asma Mu tersebut dari mulut busuknya demi kebohongan penuh darah menghunjam diatas sehelai jiwa tak berdosa Astaghfirullah... hanya kepada Mu kami memohon hindarkan kami mengutuk dan berdoa agar kau jatuhkan ganjaran doa doa terucap jangan kau jatuhkan sanksi atas kebohongannya atas sumpah palsunya bukakanlah mata hatinya tunjukkanlah jalan baginya amien....   Jakarta, 10 Oktober 2006

Istighfar Nak...

antrian panjang di dalam tol sudah menjadi santapanku tiap hari gas satu detik langsung rem... gas lagi satu detik langsung rem... gas rem... itu saja yg bisa saya atau kami pengguna tol lakukan selama satu jam sabar le.. sabar... orang sabar disayang Tuhan.. ah bukan sabar lagi, sudah biasa kok bu... kalau tidak macet begini saya malah bingung.. saya ikhlas bu harus tiap hari begini wong namanya juga nyari duit pelan kuatur suara audioku lagu2 80-an mengalun , senang. awalnya bunyi klakson dari mobil dibelakangku tidak begitu kuhiraukan pada klakson yg entah keberapa saya mulai berpikir sungguh tdk sabar ia kuperhatikan ia membunyikan klakson tiap kali antrian mulai jalan yang tdk seberapa detik itu tiba di mulut lampu merah terlintas pikiran itu lampu berubah hijau dan saatnya beraksi tak kulajukan mobilku. aku diam, mobilku diam dan klakson mobil dibelakangku semakin menggila, panjang aku tersenyum bahagia kulirik spion belakang mencari apa reaksinya mobil itu berusaha mati2an untu...

Ritual Kala Berkumpul

di tanganku sudah ada tiga buah kartu kecil2 dengan bulatan bulatan merah yg menggoda... dua buah di kiri membentuk kombinasi yg memuaskan sembilan! satu buah di kanan tinggal menunggu pasangan yang pas.. koin seratus perak dijatuhkan oleh sang bandar jantungku berdetak riang sambut tantangan sang bandar seratus perak? maaf kombinasi kartu di tangan saya tidak semurah itu selain menjatuhkan satu koin atas tantangan bandar, kutambahkan satu koin seratus perak lagi nilainya jadi dua ratus! bandar dan tiga pemain lain pun menerima tantanganku satu kartu dibagikan kepada masing2 kami penuh penghayatan kubuka pelan2 mukaku sontak memerah apa yg kuharapkan tdk demikian kenyataannya kombinasi kartu di kedua tanganku sekarang adalah 9 dan 1 satu?! angka yg kurang gahar utk menggertak lawan untuk menutupi rasa malu kutantang lawan dengan sebuah koin seratus perak bagai bisa membaca pikiranku, seorang lawan menggertak kami dengan sebuah koin limaratus perak aku mundur satu lagi pemain mundur ban...

Sebentar Lagi Bu...

jam tanganku menunjuk pukul 3.20 waktu surakarta kuhela nafas panjang... sebentar lagi ya Bu, urusan tetek bengek ini pasti selesai pas pukul 4 sudah terbayang Bau selokan depan rumah kita pasti tempat sampah besar warna hitam itu masih disitu siapa pula yang mau merubah letaknya? dan gerobak bekas aku berjualan nasi goreng itu masih teronggok dipojokan yang akan menghalangi mobilku masuk garasi dan bila mobilku masuk kepalanya agak sedikit nongol di jalan kalau sudah begitu Trinil tetangga kita akan tahu dan ia akan segera berteriak "welhadalah.. anak lanang datang to?" koleksi tanamanmu aku rasa sdh bertambah lagi dan kau pun repot menyiramnya tapi kau suka kau hanya kesal kalau kucing pakde Darto tetangga depan rumah berak di taman kecilmu itu akan segera kau panggil tukang becak tua yang biasa mangkal di ujung gang entah siapa aku lupa namanya kau minta tolong dia untuk segera membersihkan kotoran kucing itu dan setelah itu kau akan tersenyum kembali oya Bu, kenapa tak ...

Roti Maryam

Rating: ★★★★★ Category: Other Terbiasa dgn roti cane yg memang biasa, pertama kali mencoba si maryam ini saya langsung jatuh hati. Ingin rasanya segera kupinang dirinya. Selama ini baru resto kecil di ujung alun2 kota Batu (Malang) saja yg bisa membuat roti maryam dgn lezat. Murah lagi kalo gak salah cuman 3000 an sebiji! Sayang saya lupa nama restonya. Ada juga Sisha Cafe di daerah kebayoran baru belakang bakmi GM, tapi si maryam dihargai 21.000 perak sebiji nya. Buset dah kaya nggak ada akal aja mahal benerrrrrrr.... Kemarin saya lihat ada yg jual plastikan isi 5 biji harganya 30.000 seplastik. Lumayan enak walaupun tidak selembut bikinan org Batu tadi. Bagi yg blom tahu apa itu roti maryam, roti ini sejenis cane tapi lebih gurih dan kaya rasa. Terbuat dari terigu, margarin, garam dan air, tapi ada yg bilang harus ditambah telor yg banyak. Saya tidak tahu benar atau tidak, karena saya hanya suka makannya saja. Silakan anda coba si maryam ini, atau kalau anda gemar memasak, googling s...

Haagendazs - Strawberry Cheese Cake Ice Cream

Rating: ★★★★★ Category: Other Karena kegemaran saya akan produksi Haagendazs yg satu ini, banyak teman saya bilang saya orang yg aneh, tapi itu hak mereka dan bukan pula kewajiban saya untuk menghiraukan mereka. Yang pasti bila sedang jalan2 bersama mereka dan saya temui counter haagendazs (tentu saja ditunjang dgn kocek yg memadai) saya pasti sempatkan beli yg satu ini. Walaupun mencibir, satu scoop strawberry cheese cake ini tetap saja berpindah dari satu mulut ke mulut yg lain. Dan acara jalan2 kami pun semakin nikmat. Itulah indahnya berbagi. Jangan lupa belilah rasa yg satu ini, dan biarkan lembutnya ice cream Haagendazs dan kentalnya rasa strawberry cheese meluncur mesra dari lidah ke kerongkongan anda. Sebenarnya saya menulis ini dgn harapan ada yg bilang puasa saya batal karena mikirin makanan, jadi saya bisa makan siang seperti biasa..... Ayoo sapa mo gabung.. puasa setengah hari tidak dosa kan?

Perempuan Ayu Itu

perempuan ayu itu berkerudung merah dengan lapisan tipis di bibirnya, manis dan sapuan bedak tak kentara, sederhana Ya Allah ia semakin ayu... tubuhnya tenggelam di keluasan sofa itu tetap anggun seolah menatap kedepan namun matanya terpejam kelelahan... masih terngiang tutur halusnya menuntunku dan tangan penuh guratan kuat membimbingku sabar... satu minggu tak terasa kehadirannya hangat penuhi ruangku semua nya tampak biasa saja sedikit senyum untuknya disaat sebelum tidur dan sapaan sekedarnya sebelum memulai hari namun bisik merdunya pelan membangunkanku saat pagi itu sebelum sapaan ritualku pelan ia rengkuh tubuhku ia hanya memelukku, cukup lama aku balas memeluknya, lain... Iya benar. Lain.. satu minggu dan kami hanya tersenyum dan setelah kau menjauh tersadar kehadiranmu tak hanya penuhi ruangku tapi juga jiwa dan gerakku perempuan ayu itu ibuku... alangkah bijak bila satu minggu yang lalu aku banyak menegurnya bercerita tentang hatiku tentang perempuanku tentang riangku tenta...

The Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Cups Of Coffee

Just trying to share with you guys this thoughtful words i got from the Hellemans (thanks)...   When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes." The professor the...


this phone call supposed to be delightful right at 14.35 this afternoon who said i should o'Lord? i spoke to thee why wasnt i? wish i could run, away flying high ...back to reality now only me O'Lord in this room despair and frightened   Office, 13th Sept 2006  

Being Honest

i know i've been burried by those lies spoken cant open it no more for something to enlighten it's hard O' Lord some would hurt i know uttering words me Lord i shall feel low im on my knees forgive me for i have sinned Bandung, 9 Sept 2006 confused....

The Valley - The food and the place...

Rating: ★★ Category: Restaurants Cuisine: International Location: Dago Atas, Bandung One night with Tina an ex colleague from my office. Now she works for a different company. Just like a reunion, I and Ellya accepted her invitation for dinner at the valley. She drove us up to 'Dago Atas' with her likely brand new car. She kept appologizing if she had uncomfortably driving the car, while i kept answering no her driving was okay, and i were fine. Conversations run along the way to 'The Valley' mostly bout the past when we used to be in a same company. Finally we arrived. It was a lil' bit cold and windy but nice. A lady as her courtesy lead us to what so called dinner area, an arty place with candle as a lighting to create romantic air. Dinner a la carte, we began to check what's on menu and decided to order after 15 minutes. Ellya liked to have tom yam gong soup, cake and orange juice, while Tina and I preferred to have something hard as she ordered Tenderloin s...

Mie Baso Akung

Rating: ★★ Category: Restaurants Cuisine: Asian Location: Jl. Lodaya, Bandung After a long boring meeting suddenly...Lunch time! A friend suggested to go for Mie Baso Akung on jalan lodaya. She sweetly spoke that Akung serves delicious meat balls noodle and extraordinary drinking made of durian. The other friend agreed her. Sounds seducing... Didnt take a long thought, we were on the way to akung a minute later. We ordered our food in panic, everything on menu seem so delicious, but my friend who suggested us here only ordered half portion. I started to think something's happening. But i thought she's a lady, indonesian ladies always eat less than men. That's fair enough. Yamien (noodle with sweet soysauce) and BPTSC bakso, pangsit, tahu, somay, ceker and many more was my lunch this afternoon. Hmm i'm in hunger! In fact, i lose my appetize seeing what i have ordered. I think it was enough for two or three persons actually. Feeling tormented with such a huge portion meal...

Renesse - Red Ginseng Candy

Rating: ★★★ Category: Other The Renesse mainly containing Korean red ginseng herb which stands for Korean health product ingredient is manufactured to imported goods making inroad of chocolate,candy, jelly market in Korea, advertise the image of traditional Korean culture to domestic tourists at duty-free as well as sky-line shop which is taking place of big sales on those products. While attend some meeting in Bandung, A colleague offered me this spectacular candy with strange scent / flavor. Thinking of tasting it, i picked one candy with its red and girly wrapping. Very catchy. It is written "Red Ginseng Candy Renesse is a product made of high quality Korea Ginseng carefully selected by Korea Ginseng Corporation" hmm very persuasive... For me, it tastes like traditional herbs (jamu) beras kencur cabe puyang bla bla bla i dont care yyyyaaachhhhh.......

Vacation At Janty's

A collage of three continuous shot which shows sequence of two children jumping off to the beach. This was taken at Purwahamba Beach Tegal, a one hour stop after long journey from jakarta. 5 days vacation, away from office stuffs. hmmm... being so hard to decide where to go, asked a friend in KL but she already had a plan and couldnt accompany. Again and again i decided to mom's house Semarang. (as always). About two weeks before the journey started, i talked to Janty bout my plan, what a coincidence she had a plan to visit her hometown yogyakarta. Semarang and Yogya is not so far! I started to feel the excitement. Anxiously we made some arrangements and finally decided for me to spend two days at janty's. Later we know that Kemal, Shinta and Pras would join. The more the marrier! 17 of August right at 10am i, my sister and kemal departed from my house. I felt the flavor of our independence day along the way to Semarang. After having lunch in Cirebon for some complimentary meal...

The Valley, Bandung 13 August 2006

On the way back to Jakarta after hillarious moments we had in Garut. Kemal was the man at the moment, he drove us around Bandung the city he knows well. I gave him the idea of taking twilight on a hill, then he led the car towards a valley where the photos taken. Many thanks to Shinta, Han and Kemal for supportive action. They were willingly act, pose and assist me during photos session.

Sampireun, 12 August 2006

We just stopped by for a coffee in Sampireun. The place was quite pretty, secluded, very quiet and smells good. It's recommended for you to visit.

Monkey Sees Reflection - UNORIGINAL.CO.UK.wmv

Wait until you see it! heehee

Cangkuang: Lake & Temple, 13th August

This one i took from Cangkuang's Temple side which is on top of the hill. I told ya Canon 18-55mm wasnt so good 'ey... Taken using Canon EOS 350D, Lens Canon 18-55mm. Speed 6sec, f/3.5, ISO-400, focal length 18mm. Original time 01.33pm This was a serial trip after the one i had in Sukabumi on 12, August 2006. Time pointed at 10am already when we decided to leave for Garut from Sukabumi that day . We've planned this trip a week before. Actually it was Nda's idea to spend the weekend at Sumber Alam - Garut, a very nice and lovely place to stay. Traffic jam at Cileunyi wasnt a real hinder for us, yeah we were still on the mood for travelling. Right before Garut's gate, we stopped for a lunch (not so lunch since it was 4pm pfff! ), and there were Fried Fish, Grilled Chicken, 'Sambal' Cibeunyi and many others on the menu. Imagine how we put so many things on our plates! We were crazy and hungry but happy. While waiting for the other team (yonk & nda...

Too Small.mpg

This one i got from a friend. it's a real funny, thanks to whom this video has made.

Situ Gunung - August, 12th 2006

Wasnt so sure why i use ISO800, no wonder it's so pixellated. The blue tint up there was fake, PS worked. Taken using Canon 350D lens 18-55mm. Speed 1/30 sec, f/22, ISO800. Original time 08.13am. After a shot or two of vodka tonic at a club in south jakarta, i drove my car to Sukabumi with three friends accompanied. My wristwatch pointed at 3.30am when i entered the highway, pancoran's gate directly to Sukabumi. Four of us were so anxious since this was the first time we had a trip to this famous Situ Gunung. Slowly drove my car, felt the morning breeze through my window we had no difficulties in finding the location, and after two and a half driving, we arrived to this amazingly beautiful place. It was 6am in the morning, but we didnt find anybody there. I parked in front of what i thought was a dormitory. Seemed everybody was still sleeping. I felt the urge on my stomach, which told me to quickly find a restroom. Arrgh.. always! Being in a beautiful place i always expe...


Sitting at my desk... tired.. dont know what to do... confused... Thought the sound murmured, then i realized it was the beautiful voice of Miss Crawford from my old records. yes you know it. It was so relaxing! Just feel the breeze, capture your mind.... ........... ALMAZ She only smiles He only tells her that she's the flowers, the wind and spring In all her splendor sweetly surrendering The love that innocence brings ** Almaz, pure and simple Born in a world where love survives Now men will want her 'Cause life don't haunt her Almaz, You lucky lucky thing Now I watch closely And I watch wholly I can't imagine love so rare She's young and tender But will life bend her I look around is she everywhere He throws her kisses She shares his wishes I'm sure he's keen without a doubt With love so captive So solely captive I ask if I could play the part Almaz, You lucky lucky thing

Human Interest

Street life, many interesting things can be found there. Just to present the face of indonesian, capturing people with what their natural shot.